Obszary niewiedzy. Lewicowa krytyka literacka


The public sphere and art. Ways of engaging in the bourgeois public sphere and proletarian, feminist and queer counterpublics in Poland 1968-2014.

Dr Ewa Majewska Will be held in English at: The Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, Pałac Staszica, Warszawa, (SNS PAN), room 200, in CCA Ujazdowski Castle (CSW) and MoMa Warsaw (MSN) http://newwww.css.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/syllabus-the-public-and-art.pdf Dates: 8 October 2015, 2-4 pm – open lecture by prof. Antonio Negri (in French and Polish) 9 October 2015 12.00-2 pm and 2.30 – 5 pm – seminars of prof. Antonio Negri and prof. Judith Revel (in French and English) 14 (CCA Warsaw) and 15 November (SNS PAN, with prof. A. Leder) 2015,  2-5pm 12 (MOMA Warsaw) and 13 December (SNS PAN, with Olivier Baurhenn, NGBK, CTM Festival, Berlin)  2015  2-5pm Office hours: sundays 15 Nov and 13 Dec 5-5.30 pm + 1 meeting in the winter session. All inquiries can also be sent to: ptite@poczta.wp.pl The seminar is open to public, but in order to provide enough space, we kindly request to write to: ptite@poczta.wp.pl This is a second semester of the seminar held in fall 2014. The aim of this course is to engage with theories of the public sphere created within 20th century political philosophy (Habermas, Kluge, Fraser, Berlant, Warner, Rosler and others) and to discuss them in the context of the emerging analysis of the philosophy of the common (Negri, Revel, Virno, Butler) in order to prepare for the discussion about the contemporary public art and its political dimensions. The concept of public sphere has been quite extensively used in Poland and internationally in debates over public art in particular, and this seminar is aimed at allowing these debates to use more specific and contextualized theoretical tools and also to make them grasp the often unexpected repercussions of artistic interventions. In cognitive capitalism neoliberal preoccupation on immediate profit managed to overcome the critical and emancipatory art forms, we will therefore turn to the political theories, both: classical and those currently shaped, also with participation of artists and curators, in order to participate with the discussion concerning the artistic, social and political contexts of the public and how it becomes the common. A large part of the seminar will consist on academic study, however we will also visit two main Warsaw institutions providing space for public art – the CCA Ujazdowski Castle and the MOMA Warsaw to discuss actual exhibitions and projects, to meet curators and artists and to engage in the debate with cultural producers.   READING AND GUESTS LIST 2nd semester (fall 2015/2016)

Toward the Common. Two days with prof. Judith Revel and Antonio Negri

At the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR) at the Institute of Philosophy, Polish Academy of Science (PAN), Pałac Staszica, Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa.

(in collaboration with: Krytyka Polityczna and the journal Praktyka Teoretyczna)


8. October 2015 at 2-4 pm OPEN LECTURE : Beyond the Public Sphere. Towards the Common prof. Antonio Negri (In French, translated into Polish) Moderation and introduction: dr Ewa Majewska (ICI Berlin), Mikołaj Ratajczak (SNS PAN/ Praktyka Teoretyczna), Igor Stokfiszewski (Krytyka Polityczna) 9 October 2015 at 12-2 pm SEMINAR: The Common. For a Feminist Analysis prof. Judith Revel, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. (In French, translated into English) 9 October 2015 at 2.30-5 pm SEMINAR: Beyond the Public Sphere. Towards the Common prof. Antonio Negri (In French, translated into English) Collaboration: Igor Stokfiszewski (Krytyka Polityczna). SUGGESTED READING: Antonio Negri, Judith Revel , Inventer le commun des hommes, in:  Eurozine, 13 05 2008.  J. Revel and A. Negri, The Common in Revolt, first published in Uninomade, reprint: https://tribeofmoles.wordpress.com/2011/08/13/the-common-in-revolt-by-judith-revel-and-antonio-negri/ Jürgen Habermas, The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964), transl. Sara Lennox, Frank Lennox, in: New German Critique, No. 3 (Autumn, 1974), pp. 49-55. A. Negri and M. Hardt, The Commonwealth, Belkamp, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2009 (p. 1-21 and 322-383 – Preface and Part 6).  J. Revel, Women: Absent from the Political? Transl. A. Toscano, http://uninomade.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Women-Absent-from-the-Political_.pdf   14 November 2015 2-5 pm – a visit at the CCA Zamek Ujazdowski (CSW), Warsaw, combined with a meeting with curators of public projects and discussion of the current exhibition.   SUGGESTED READING: N. Fraser, Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy, in: Social Text, No. 25/26, (1990), pp. 56-80. R. Deutsche, Art and Public Space: Questions of Democracy, in: Social Text, No. 33 (1992), pp. 34-53.   15 November 2015 2-5 pm – guest seminar of prof. Andrzej Leder (IfiS PAN). SUGGESTED READING: E. Matynia, The Lost Treasures of Solidarity, in: Social Research, Volume 69, No. 1, Spring 2001. 12 December 2015  2-5 pm – a visit at the MOMA Warsaw (MSN) combined with a meeting with Tomasz Fudala, the curator of public projects, who will present the “Warsaw under Construction” and other projects, plus discussion.   SUGGESTED READING: Henri Lefebvre, The Right to the City, in: Writings on Cities, ed. and trans. Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas, Cambridge, Mass, USA : Blackwell Publishers, 1996. Oskar Negt, Alexander Kluge, "The Public Sphere and Experience", in: October, Vol. 46 pp. 60-82.   13 December 2015  2-5 pm – guest seminar with Olivier  Baurhenn, the director of the Berlin based CTM Festival, the former managing director at the NGBK Berlin and one of the key curators of the General Public project). SUGGESTED READING: Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, Sex in Public, in : Critical Inquiry, Vol. 24, No. 2, Intimacy (Winter, 1998), pp. 547-566.   FURTHER READING: C. Bishop, Artificial Hells. Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship, Verso, London, 2012. P. Bourdieu, H. Haacke, Free Exchange, Polity Press, 2005. C. Calhoun (ed), Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, MA ; London : MIT Press, 1992. T. Finkelpearl (ed), Dialogues in Public Art, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2000. Nancy Fraser, What’s Critical About Critical Theory?, in: S. Benhabib and D. Cornell (eds) Feminism as Critique, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1987. Jurgen Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 1991.   Tomasz Kitliński, DREAM? DEMOCRACY! A Philosophy of Horror, Hope & Hospitality in Art & Action, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin, 2014. Aleksander Kluge, Oskar Negt, Public Sphere and Experience: Toward and analysis of the Bourgeois and Proletarian Public, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London, 1993.(fragments) A. Kluge, T. Y. Levin and M. B. Hansen, On Film and the Public Sphere, in: New German Critique, No. 24/25, (Autumn, 1981 – Winter, 1982), pp. 206-220. O. Marchart. Art, Space and the Public Sphere(s). Some basic observations on the difficult relation of public art, urbanism and political theory, in: EIPCP European Institute for Progressive Cultural Politics, http://eipcp.net/transversal/0102/marchart/en Mouffe, Chantal. “Which Public Space for Critical Artistic Practices?” in Cork Caucus: On Art, Possibility and Democracy, edited by Tara Byrne, Dublin: National Sculpture Factory, 2006. K. Nash (ed), Transnationalizing the Public Sphere, Polity Press, 2014. M. Nowak, P. Plucinski, O miejskiej sferze publicznej, Kraków, Korporacja Ha! Art, 2011. P. Piotrowski, Art and Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, Reaktion books 2012. Gerald Raunig, Factories of Knowledge Industries of Creativity, Semiotext(e), New York 2013. M. Rosler, Culture Class, Sternberg Press, 2013. Paolo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude. For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life, Semiotext(e), New York, 2005. M. Warner, Publics and Counterpublics, Zone Books, 2005.     ART PROJECTS: Kaja Pawełek (ed), Oxygenator. Joanna Rajkowska, Monografia Obiegu, CSW, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warszawa 2010 (bilingual edition in PL and EN). Ewa Tatar, Prywatne jest polityczne// Private is Political, w: A. Szyłak et al (eds), Ewa Partum, Galeria Sztuki Wyspa, Gdańsk, 2013. G. Schollehammer, L. Ronduda, Kwiekulik, Warsaw, 2012 (bilingual publication in Polish and English). * M. Warner, Publics and Counterpublics in: Public Culture 14(1): 49–90; 2002. Pawel Leszkowicz, Love and Democracy. Art – New Images of Love and Eroticism, in: Miłość i demokracja/ Love and Democracy, P. Leszkowicz et al (eds), Center for contemporary Art Łaźnia, Gdańsk, 2006. T. Murak, Katalog prac, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko Biała, 1998. K. Pawełek (ed), Oxygenator. Joanna Rajkowska, Monografia Obiegu, CSW, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warszawa 2010 (bilingual edition in PL and EN). CTM Festival Berlin http://www.ctm-festival.de/news/ Warszawa w Budowie// MOMA Warsaw Archive for Public Art http://artmuseum.pl/pl/doc/sztuka-publiczna-w-warszawie-2/ http://www.puszka.waw.pl/-warszawska_sztuka_mapa_szukaj-pl.html#d-1_c3,4,8_p0 Free/ Slow Warsaw University http://www.wuw-warsaw.pl/