Obszary niewiedzy. Lewicowa krytyka literacka


Call for reviews

Being aware of the role of critical assessment of academic merit for further critical inquiry, we kindly invite not only original full-length articles but also reviews of publications which are relevant to the purposes of the journal. We warmly encourage reviewing contributors to cover books from the field, with special attention to titles indicated below. Regular review contributors may be granted with review copies of requested books. A range of review formats will be considered including but not limited to: -        standard single book review; -        a critical examination of more than one recent publications; -        a critical analysis of several journal publications in an emerging field. Review guidelines: Word-count: between 2,000–3,000 words long (all inclusive). Due the style and formatting please refer to general policies of the journal. Review contribution are assessed by editorial board, and after amendments may be published either on the journal website or in one of the forthcoming issues, depending on the quality, topics covered and capacities of the issues.