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Call for Papers 4/2013 - Feminist Epistemologies

Feminist epistemologies. Feminisms and feminist perspectives on cognition and knowledge-production

Dear authors: female, male and/or actively transgressing gender boundaries: we warmly invite you to  cooperate with the feminist issue of Theoretical Practice (4-2013). The main subject of this issue of Theoretical Practice is: Feminist epistemologies. Feminisms and feminist perspectives on cognition and knowledge-production. We would like to see this issue as an opportunity to critically revise mainstream feminist theories. Materialism, Marxism and post-humanism have just entered into Polish feminist debates and became their integral part . We assume that now is the time to discuss and reformulate  the key problems of feminist theories, of practical-theoretical questions of academic feminism, of knowledge-production strategies and of critics and analytics of situated knowledges. Referring to the heritage of Donna Haraway, Seyla Benhabib, Adrienne Rich, Judith Butler, bell hooks, Iris Marion Young and many others, we would like to address questions of embodiment and solidarity in the world which transgresses all divisions and, at the same time, intensifies all inequalities. Today one of the primary divisions is the human and non-human difference; within this problem, the question of feminine is one of the key question and the feminist discourse is a powerful and productive matrix of this division. We would like to invite you to cross the boundaries between various fields of science and to analyze the strategies of contextualisation from the perspective of situated knowledges. We want our authors to articulate the context and the positions from which they speaks not only by giving her name and affiliation, but also by questioning the default white, heterosexual, middle class and European subject. We also invite you to submit texts on feminist on aesthetics, art criticism and utopias. Margins of feminisms, unite!

Suggested topics for the feminist issue of Theoretical Practice:

knowledge in cognitive capitalism co-evolution, coexistence and cyborgs “natural” and “human” sciences situated knowledges and community building subject of multitude and the sex and gender of political actions solidarity – difference – writing – racism new materialism and re-formulation of standpoint theory new materialism and critical theory feminist materialism and the human rights politics queer, post-queer and post-speciesism queer critical theory queering of speculative realism/object oriented ontology sexuality and post-humanism violence – production – critique – sexism – oppression feminism – knowledge – education critical pedagogies, anti-school and performance critical feminist aesthetics and post-humanism feminist critique of theories of multitude the effects of patriarchy, feminism and it's political agency sex, gender and the productivity regimes activism, academy and the co-production of knowledge postcolonial theory and intersectional feminism: what is a critique? feminist utopias

Submission process:

1. Deadline for submitting proposals and abstracts: April 8th, praktyka.teoretyczna@gmail.com 2. Deadline for submitting (previously accepted) papers, in Polish or English, with an abstract and list of key words: July 30th 2013. 3. The issue will be release in December 2013.