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Articles and Reviews

- Andrea N. Baldwin, Feminist Aliens, Memoirs from the Margins. A Caribbean „Feminist’s” Experience in Western Feminism - Deborah Blizzard, Wenda K Bauchspies, Stability of Shifting Ground. Feminist Ethnography and Practice - Melissa Burchard, Amy Lanou, Leah Mathews, Karin Peterson, Alice Weldon, Co-writing, Co-knowing. Transforming Epistemologies - Peter Hudis, Yes, There Is An Alternative – And It Can Be Found in Marx - AnaLouise Keating,  Kimberly C. Merenda, Decentring the Human? Towards a Post-Anthropocentric Standpoint Theory - Paul McLaughlin, Rethinking the Alternative to Capitalism - Chris Hann, Still an awkward class: Central European post-peasants at home and abroad in the era of neoliberalism - Kacper Pobłocki, Learning from Manchester. Uneven Development, Class and the City - Wiktor Marzec, Neoliberalism as big pipeline network (review) - Ana Sofia Ribeiro , “Life is a struggle and we have to keep on fighting”: first generation students in Portugal in the age of economic crisis - Adam WrightThe school as an arena of political contestation: education policy from a post-Marxist perspective - Rory Castle, Rosa Luxemburg, Her Family and the Origins of Her Polish-Jewish Identity - Jan Sowa, An Unexpected Twist of Ideology. Neoliberalism and the Collapse of the Soviet Bloc - Piotr Sobolczyk, The Anxiety of Social Influence - Paweł Wolski, Who Needs Holocaust Studies? Writing Structurally, Reading Corporeally - Marta Koronkiewicz, Does this poem work (for you)? Irony, possibility and work in Adrienne Rich’s and Franco Berardi’s critical thought - Paweł Kaczmarski, A few notes on the contemporary common reader - Zachary Tavlin, Market Value and Victorian Hybrids. Dickens and Marx Against Latour - Agata Zysiak, The desire for fullness. The fantasmatic logic of modernization discourses in the turn of the 19th century in Łódź - Kamil Śmiechowski, Searching for a better city. An urban discourse during the Revolution of 1905 in the Kingdom of Poland - Wojciech Woźniak, From underclass to Homo sovieticus. Human constraints towards modernization - Atila Lukić, Gordan Maslov, “Did somebody say ‘transition’?” A critical Intervention into the use of a notion - Ewelina Chwiejda, Putting the boundary at the centre – a place where contemporary art meets politics